PAA has Webinars for Learning on the Go!

Posted By: Amy Pontius 90 Second Update , Community, Industry, PAA Events,

PAA is happy to announce our Webinar Learning Series!  Twenty individual courses will be offered throughout the year to help with all of your learning needs.  These short one-hour sessions are taught by industry leading experts and instructors.  Let PAA help you grow professionally in the rental housing industry.

Classes occur on the dates below from 2pm-3pm.  

Member rate: $50
Non-member rate: $65
Webinar Session
February 15th Inclusive Leadership for Authentic Employees
March 8th Hands on Social Media-Create Content Strategy
March 22nd The Research Obsessed Renter: Do you know what they know?
March 29th Mastering Maintenance: Appliances, Multimeters, Electrical DIY
April 12th Fair Housing Keys to Preventing a Lawsuit
April 26th Instant Memory Training for Property Management/Sales Success
May 3rd Put Your CLOSE on!
May 10th Mastering Maintenance: I know how to fix that AC but how do I lead?
May 24th 60 Ideas in 60 Minutes
June 21st Finding Motivation in the Mundane: Avoid Burnout and Stay Motivated
June 28th Prepare Your Team: Responding to Internet Leads
July 12th No if, but When...Creating an Active Threat Response Plan
July 19th Preparing the Annual Property Budget
August 9th Know Your Product: Use design thinking to sell the resident experience
August 16th Mastering Maintenance: Building a Regime of Maintenance Excellence
August 30th Fair Housing Ain't Fair-It's Equal, 2023 Edition
September 13th Mitigating Conflict ini Your Workplace by Building a Culture of Peace
September 20th HELP! There's Math in Marketing & it Mystifies me!
October 4th Silence Your Inner Critic & Defeat self-Sabotaging Behaviors
October 11th Maintenance: The Value of Collaboration & Cross Training

For more information about these classes, please contact Roger Dickson at

Happy Learning!